Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Journal 41: Poetry

There are many types of writing, for example novel, stories and essays are ones that everybody has seen. Poems are different from other forms of writings because they can express feelings very well. For example, poems can express the feelings of the poet while most essays can't. Poems are also different than other types of writing because they are concise. Poems are short and meaningful while some stories are boring and long. Although poems are different from other types of writing, they also have s lot of similarities.Both poems and essays express the authors opinion and describe a thing. A poem is also similar to a song. It is similar to a song because they both have a rhythm. A lot of poem rhymes just like how lyrics in a song rhymes. A poem can express a person's feelings to things using only a few words. Although not a lot of people write poems now days, we can still see them in daily life. Poems are in advertisements, songs and a lot of things we see in our daily life.

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