Sunday, February 12, 2012

Journal 43: Elements of Poetry

When we write a poem, we use a lot of techniques such as alliteration, assonance, metaphor, onomatopoeia ... These techniques help the poem to become more beautiful. In my poem, I am going to use rhymes. When sentence rhymes, they give the reader a feeling that the sentence is complete and nice. These elements are like the ones in stories. In stories, there is a plot which makes the story interesting, there are conflicts which are problems that characters have against another character, there is the resolution where the conflicts are solved and the stories ends. Foe example, the poem the highwayman is like a story. The highwayman was in love with the land lords daughter, but at last, he died under the army's bullet. This story is a poem, put it also has a plot, conflicts and a resolution.

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