Sunday, December 11, 2011

Journal 36: Writing is Difficult

Writing is very important in our life, because it can help us communicate with others. Writing is a way for people to express their own feelings. I believe the reason why Ray Bradbury said writing is difficult is because writing is reality to a person like him. Writing stories can be very interesting, but in the meantime they can be very boring. If you are writing a science fiction story, it might seem interesting, because all the things are from your imagination and they are not real. If you are a writer of history books, you may feel bored, because history is unchangeable. People who write history can only copy the events that were happened a long time ago. I believe that writing is very fun. We can express our own feelings and communicate with others by writing. For example, a book called "Outsiders" is a story based on a life of a teenager. The teenager felt very complicated and wrote down the story for people to read. He was trying to express his own feelings. This is the reason why I believe writing is good and enjoyable.

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