Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Journal 37: Setting and Plot

Settings of a story can function as a character. It can affect the story by limiting the things used in an essay and the timeline of a story. For example, if the setting of a story is in a galaxy far far away, the story might be something about spaceships and space, because it is in a galaxy. If another story is in a forest in the prehistoric period, the story will not contain spaceships and guns, instead, it will have people hunting animals for living. If the setting of the story of King Arthur has changed from Britain to China, the story will be quite different than the King Arthur we know. If the setting of the story Robinson Crusoe has changed from a lonely island to a populated city, Robinson wouldn't have to find food and living so hard, he can just buy things from stores like we do now, and he wouldn't have to seek for help. This is what influences the setting will make when a story changes.

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