Thursday, April 5, 2012

Journal 57: What Makes Fire?

What makes a fire? In our lives, a lot of things make a fire. Electricity, heat... these things can all make fire. A fire needs three important ingredients, heat, oxygen and something to burn with. In the wild, it is very hard to create a fire. It is very hard to create a fire because it is hard to find enough heat to make a fire. In the book Hatchet, Brian uses dry wood, his hatchet and some grass to make a fire. The dry wood is the material to burn with, so the fire keeps burning. The hatchet is for making sparkles. When Brian uses his hatchet to defend himself during the night, he threw it and it hit the wall and made sparkles. Because of this, he began to notice that sparkles can create fire because of the friction that made the heat. The grass is also for the fire to go on. These are the materials to make a fire and how Brian made a fire in the wilderness.

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