Friday, September 23, 2011

Journal Entry 7: Three Pigs

  Once upon a time, there were three little pigs that desired to go to school, so their mother sent them to the best school in the village, Pig American School. One day, a wolf saw the three little pigs walking to school and he decides to eat the three little pigs, so he followed them to school by wearing a pig suit. Because the big wolf was too big to fit, the pigs noticed that he was a wolf, so they ran and ran until they came to PAS(Pig American School). The pigs then ran into Dr. Porter's room and the wolf said "A room made out of paper? HA, I can blow this down in a second." With a huff and a puff, the wolf blew down the room, so the little pigs ran out and went in to Mr. James room. The wolf came in and said "What a fragile room made from sticks? HA, I can blow this room down in one second." So again with a huff and a puff, the wolf blew down the room, and the little pigs ran into Mr. Smart's room. The wolf saw the room and said " HA, a room made out of bricks? I can blow this room down in a second." With a huff and a puff, the wolf blew at the house, but nothing happened. So the wolf blew again as hard as he can, but still, nothing happened. The wolf asked "Why can't I blow this room down?" Then, the little pigs, still sitting inside the room said "Mr. Smart is our Science teacher, so he knows what materials can make a wall of a room strongest. The wolf knew he could never blow the house down, so he decided to run away before anyone noticed, but it was too late. The head of the school, Mrs. Pamela came and told her super teacher guards to catch the wolf. She announced that the wolf should be punished and it should be  banished out of the village for ever. With the big bad wolf gone, the three little pigs studied at PAS happily ever after.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Journal Entry 6: Imagine a Place

  This day, I arrived at a new town and I saw a sign in a window that says“Bed and Breakfast”. I thought about it for a minute and decided to go into the building since I need a place to stay. When I went into the building, I saw a green curtain hanging on the window a vase fulled of yellow flowers and a vase fulled of yellow flowers, so  I guess that's why the room was filled with a smell of flowers. At the counter, I saw an old woman short woman with long hair. There was a huge bear  model on the wall and a table in the middle of the room. I could hear the song "I'm all out love" playing from the player at the corner. I asked the old lady if I could stay there for a night and she gave me a key for my room. When I went into my room, I saw a large queen size bed and a brown sofa lying behind the table which a old style television was placed. After all, I think the room was quite comfortable. The next morning, I woke up early and ate breakfast. Although the breakfast didn't taste so well, it still made me full. I think this was a quite normal and comfortable hotel to live in.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Journal Entry 5: Advice

Dear Mr. Responder:

  Hi, Mr. Responder, I'm Ernie from "The Broken Chain". I have a serious problem that has been bugging me for a whole week. My little brother, Alfonso broke his bike and now he is trying to borrow a bike from me for a date with Sandra, a girl he likes. I know it's the first time for him going on a date, so I don't want to let him down. The problem is that the girl he's going with had once embarrassed me in front of my best friend and the whole class, and also I need my bike to catch frogs in the fields this weekend with my friends. They will be asking why I didn't go with them and laugh at me when they know the reason. This is why, I don't want to borrow him, but I think I should because he's my be-loved brother. What will you do if you were me? Borrow him the bike for a date or go on a trip with my friends? If you can you think of new ideas and give me advises, that would be great. Please answer me as fast as you can, Mr.Responder. Thank you very much.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Journal Entry 4: Girls v Boys

  Most of the discussions in our English class these weeks was"Are girls similar or different to boys?"  In my point of view, I think we think the same way, but we act differently. For example, once Mr. Mccool told us that girls think when the teacher asks, meanwhile the boys just shout out the answer. I agree with this, but I think both the boys and the girls are thinking, but it's just that boys tend to answer faster. The girls may think of it but even if they knew the answer, they will probably still remain quiet. In "Broken Chain" from the textbook, Alfonso wants to look attractive, but what about Sandra? Sandra wants to look attractive too, so I think this why most girls and boys think the same. I think the differences between girls and boys may change over time, but the similarities doesn't. For example, when a girl is a baby, she thinks in the same way as a baby boy. When we grow up to an adult, we might think the same way, but act differently. Then at last when we become grandparents, we might think alike and also act alike. I think this is because we don't care so much when we're old. These are the reasons why I think boys and girls think similarly.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Journal Entry 3: Popular or Intelligent?

  Most of the students(and maybe some teachers) in school want to be popular, especially the ones in middle or high school. Being popular can make you the most well-known person and being smart can make you popular, but being popular doesn't mean that you are smart. The advantages of being popular and smart are very obvious. You are well-known, most of the people like you and you are followed by a pile of other students(especially the ones who are smaller than you). On the other hand, you may get bullied by the students who are jealous. People sacrifice their own time to try to become popular. For example, a boy may spend hours in the bathroom combing his hair and trying to look as good as he can get. Feeling fitted into the school is one of the most important basics of being popular, because if you can't fit into the school system, then you won't be popular. In conclusion, there are a lot of ways of being popular. If it was my choice I would choose to be smarter to become popular.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Journal Entry 2: Teen Feelings

Have you ever seen a high school student in front of the mirror looking and combing his hair? This happenes to everyone in their life. Like all the other students in our class, we are becoming teenagers now. The common thing about teenagers is that they care a lot about their appearance. Teenagers usually what themselves to look good(especially towards their opposite gender). For example, the story Broken Chain tells about a guy who is a teenager that cares a lot about his appearance. He is trying to make a girl he liked feel good about him. In fact, this is what most teenagers do to make the people they like feel better about themselves. Another thing teenagers will do is to show off . People show off for a lot of reasons. For example in a school, a student may have bought a new, awesome cell phone and because he wants to make others feel good about himself, he may be telling the others of how they suck by using the old cell phone. I'm sure everyone can't avoid of becoming a teenager, so I don't think we should feel too much about our appearance and how others feel about us.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Journal Entry 1: Introduction to Me

My name is Hank, I'm in middle school. I was born in Taipei. I have three people in my family, my dad, my mom and me. I like to play basketball, baseball and soccer etc. I like most of the sports we play today except for Kabaddi. Kabaddi was a sport our history teacher last year wanted us to play during P.E class. It is a sport like american football that is played in Middle East. I like to eat pretty much every kind of food. What I don't like to do is to lie to our parents and other elders. I don't like to watch scary movies and do disgusting things. I think doing those things shows immature and disrespect of oneself. I've been to Europe and North America. I want to go to Egypt and explore the pyramids and to the amazon river in South America. This blog is supposed to tell our English teacher we did our homework. Before when I was in elementary school, I've never used a blog before. I think blogs are quite useful because people can use them to share ideas and comments without meeting each other,  so I think we should use blogs more.