Friday, September 23, 2011

Journal Entry 7: Three Pigs

  Once upon a time, there were three little pigs that desired to go to school, so their mother sent them to the best school in the village, Pig American School. One day, a wolf saw the three little pigs walking to school and he decides to eat the three little pigs, so he followed them to school by wearing a pig suit. Because the big wolf was too big to fit, the pigs noticed that he was a wolf, so they ran and ran until they came to PAS(Pig American School). The pigs then ran into Dr. Porter's room and the wolf said "A room made out of paper? HA, I can blow this down in a second." With a huff and a puff, the wolf blew down the room, so the little pigs ran out and went in to Mr. James room. The wolf came in and said "What a fragile room made from sticks? HA, I can blow this room down in one second." So again with a huff and a puff, the wolf blew down the room, and the little pigs ran into Mr. Smart's room. The wolf saw the room and said " HA, a room made out of bricks? I can blow this room down in a second." With a huff and a puff, the wolf blew at the house, but nothing happened. So the wolf blew again as hard as he can, but still, nothing happened. The wolf asked "Why can't I blow this room down?" Then, the little pigs, still sitting inside the room said "Mr. Smart is our Science teacher, so he knows what materials can make a wall of a room strongest. The wolf knew he could never blow the house down, so he decided to run away before anyone noticed, but it was too late. The head of the school, Mrs. Pamela came and told her super teacher guards to catch the wolf. She announced that the wolf should be punished and it should be  banished out of the village for ever. With the big bad wolf gone, the three little pigs studied at PAS happily ever after.

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