Friday, September 9, 2011

Journal Entry 1: Introduction to Me

My name is Hank, I'm in middle school. I was born in Taipei. I have three people in my family, my dad, my mom and me. I like to play basketball, baseball and soccer etc. I like most of the sports we play today except for Kabaddi. Kabaddi was a sport our history teacher last year wanted us to play during P.E class. It is a sport like american football that is played in Middle East. I like to eat pretty much every kind of food. What I don't like to do is to lie to our parents and other elders. I don't like to watch scary movies and do disgusting things. I think doing those things shows immature and disrespect of oneself. I've been to Europe and North America. I want to go to Egypt and explore the pyramids and to the amazon river in South America. This blog is supposed to tell our English teacher we did our homework. Before when I was in elementary school, I've never used a blog before. I think blogs are quite useful because people can use them to share ideas and comments without meeting each other,  so I think we should use blogs more.

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