Friday, March 16, 2012

Journal 55: Personal Assets

In Hatchet, Brian has to survive in the wilderness. In order to do this, he has a lot of things to do. For example, he has to stay optimistic and keep himself alive so that he believes in the rescue plane will come someday. If he was pessimist, he would not have prepared  fire or signal for a plane that flew by. If he was pessimist, he would have been sad and desperate that he had a plane crash and he would have just done nothing. I believe that the assets Brain has in order to stay alive were being optimistic, trying to stay alive, and the knowledge he learned from before. Those assets helped him stay alive by giving and telling him what to so when he faces danger, he can overcome the fear and survive. My assets are very different from Brian's. My assets are, for example, my temper and my grit. When I do things, I won't give up easily. Although this may turn into stubbornness, I still believe that if we have grit, we won't give up and we will succeed at last. Having a good temper is also very important, because if we have a good temper, we are usually optimistic and we can handle things more easily.

1 comment:

  1. Hank,

    You've been doing a good job on your journals lately, but you haven't kept up--you are three entries behind. Make sure you keep up, or you lose points.

    -M. McCool
