Friday, June 1, 2012

Journal 78: Style

There are a lots of different styles. Styles are the way that the author presents his or her story or writing. For example, the authors style can be nerdy which he or she uses words that we don't usually use today. An author's style can be like a gangster, which is very informal and sometimes bad-ass. These styles can tell us about the author sometimes. If he or she is polite or what he or she is like. The styles of a story can sometimes help us identify the author too. For example, if the author always uses a specific style in his stories, we can figure out who the author is just by reading his or her writing. The style the author used in "Raymond's Run" was a lot more informal and easy compared to the style of the author in "The Treasure of Lemon Brown". In "Raymond's Run", the author uses a tone in which kids like the narrator's age would use. On the other hand, the narrator in "The Treasure of Lemon Brown" was depressed and angry at the beginning of the story. This is why the author used a more serious tone instead of a informal and easy tone.

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