Saturday, June 2, 2012

Journal 82: My Last Journal Entry

Every things come to an end some day, and today, it is the last day of our journal entry for eighth Grade. I still remembered when I was first in the grade eight class, our teacher, Mr. McCool assigned our first journal entry, which was Journal Entry 1: Introduction to me. I remembered that he wanted us to write at least two hundred words for this journal entry and every journal entry we will write in the following year. Although I've been assigned two hundred words, I always wrote only about one hundred fifty words. This dropped my grades a lot, because our journal entry was a huge part of our English grade. I always thought journal entry was easy and a fun thing to do, because I had a lot of time to do it and other homework. After the first quarter passed, I began to play basketball and stay after school more often. This caused me to lose time and do my homework for school. I began to fall behind in the journal entries and I lost a lot of credit because of late journal entries. I think that I've learned my lessons by not getting a very good grade and I will organize my time better and not waste anytime. After all, homework comes before basketball and every other activity.

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