Saturday, June 2, 2012

Journal 80: My Treasure

What does treasure mean? Treasures are valuable things that are important to us. People would do anything to protect their treasure. Some treasure are solid, which means they are objects that we can touch or see. Sometimes treasures are invisible. For example, sometimes memories or lessons can be treasures to people. Just like their backgrounds, everybody has something to protect and something that they care a lot about. These things are their treasure. For example, the president of a country's treasure may be his country. He would do anything to protect it. I have a lot of treasures myself too. My treasures are the memories and times I had with my family and my friends. I will do anything and help as hard as I could to protect my family and my friends. I might be able to protect my family and my friends, but one day, they will have to leave me and from that day on, I will have to be on my own. Although they may have to leave me, all the memories and times I had with them will stay in my mind for ever and I will never forget them. This is my treasure that I will never forget.

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