Saturday, June 2, 2012

Journal 79: My Background

Everyone has a unique background. I believe that my background is kind of special in a way too. My name is Hank Chau, I am 14 years-old, and my birthday is March 25. I was born in a hospital in Taipei. When I was very young, my parents used to take me around Taiwan on field trips. Although I had forgotten most of them, I still remember some really good things that happened in my childhood and good memories that I had. For example, one time when I was about 3 years-old, my parents brought me to Tai-Chung to watch a dinosaur exhibition. It was fun and very interesting to look at the robotic models of dinosaurs moving around. I remembered that I loved dinosaurs when I was young. I used to collect dinosaur cards when I was young and put them in a box where I kept them very safe. When I grew up, I gave those cards to my best friend's little brother. He liked it a lot too. When I was a little bit older, I began going to elementary school and I learned Mandarin Chinese and English. I loved Chinese classes because my teacher would talk about ancient China. I loved the stories that were from ancient China, especially "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. "

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