Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Journal Entry 11: More Freedom

People in most of the countries now days have the freedom to do what ever they want as long as it's not against the law. For example is people can't smoke, drink alcohol or drive until they are over eighteen years old. There are also restrictions other than the law. For example, playing video games all day isn't against the law, but your parents will stop you doing that. For me myself, I am under eighteen. I can have my own time, play my PSP for a few minutes, watch T.V and even go on Facebook. Things that I can't do are smoking, drinking alcohol and driving. These are the examples of restrictions and freedoms in my life. There is also another kind of restrictions which are things I don't want to do, but I have to. For example, doing my homework, doing chores and taking exams. This is why I think I'm lucky to be free enough.

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