Sunday, October 9, 2011

Journal Entry 9: If You Were Billy

If I were Billy, I would still go to the boardinghouse of the landlady, because it is a lot cheaper and closer. I might not notice she came out immediately because I am too tired. When I ask her what is the price, I might think that it's a little bit cheap, but I will not have suspected her. When I see the names of Mr. Mulholland and Mr. Temple, I might not notice immediately, but I would not let the landlady interrupt my thoughts. If I keep on thinking, I might not have drank the tea and I can find out faster what's wrong with the landlady. I might realize that the landlady has been preserving the bodies when I heard that she preserves her pet and Mr. Mulholland and Mr. Temple are still on the second floor. At this point, I might find some ways to get away from her so I won't end up like Mr. Mulholland and Mr. Temple.

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