Sunday, November 13, 2011

Journal 25: EMERGENCY!

Everyone has seen in emergencies on televisions before and everyone has been in emergencies. Usually when people are in emergencies, they feel scared, frightened and unsure. People who are in emergencies feel nervous, scared and unsure because they don't know what will happen next. For example, everyone has been in a earthquake. When a earthquake comes, people are always nervous, afraid and unsure of what will happen next. This tells us that when people are not sure what will happen, they feel uncomfortable. When I got the H1N1 flue last year, it was kind of a emergency. I remembered that I was very tired and sick. I had a headache and I was feeling very uncomfortable. My mom found out and took me to the hospital. They told me that I got H1N1 and I had to stay home in my little room for a whole week. If I hadn't go to the doctor the day I got sick, the flue might have spread and infect my family. For the whole week, I had to stay in bed and get enough sleep. I was glad that I recovered very soon. From that day on, I noticed that if you are getting sick, you should go to the doctor as soon as possible. I think that emergency problems are dangerous and must be solved as soon as possible.

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