Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Journal 31: Compare and Contrast Dogs

In the story "In Trouble", Gary Paulsen found out that dogs have individual feelings and personalities. He saw his smart dog, Columbia, teasing another dog. Columbia pretended to give the other dog a bone, but took it back every time before the other dog can touch it. I remembered once I was in a zoo in Toronto, I saw two Grizzly Bears, one male and the other female. The male one was twelve years-old (which is still considered a kid). He was standing up inside a pool of water (you know how tall bears are when they stand up) and playing with a ball. The bear was trying to push the ball under water, like what a young one year old baby would do when he or she finds a ball. Because the ball was filled with air, it floats all the time and I'm sure a bear wouldn't know this. He was even jumping and trying to push the ball under water with his weight, meanwhile, the female one was not moving at all. The female one was a little bit older. She was about fourteen years old. She sat under the shade of a a gigantic tree with her body lying down (it was quite hot that day). She wasn't moving and I noticed that she was sleeping. After a while, I saw a zookeeper going into the place where the bears are caged. The bears stood up and walked immediately toward the zookeeper. I believe one was trying to find a new thing to play and the other was trying to find a way to cool itself!

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