Thursday, November 17, 2011

Journal 27: Animal v Human

Animals are like humans. First of all, animals, like humans, have families too. The parents of a baby tiger or lion will protect their baby. They will find food, shelter and other things that are necessary for living. The baby will do the same when it grows up and becomes a parent. Animals have feelings too. Most animals can feel, hear, see, smell and listen. These animals have the five senses that humans also have. Once I was in a zoo in Toronto, I saw a black gorilla folding a blanket for it's child. He folded the blanket just like how my parents fold mine. I also saw a twelve year old Grizzly Bear (which is considered young) playing with water. It tried to push a ball under water, but the ball just kept floating upwards. The bear didn't give up and tried again. This is like a child playing with a ball. Most animals have legs and arms just like human. Monkeys even have body structures that are like human. These are the reasons why I think animals are like humans.

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