Sunday, May 13, 2012

Journal 65: General Conditions

In the story "Camp Harmony", the writer talks about how the Japanese were brought into the camp, the writer also says what the camp was like and what they had to do in the camp. From what the writer described, I feel like the camp they went to wasn't very nice. I, myself, had been in a lot of camps before too. In the beginning of every year, my school brings the whole school to a place in Taiwan and camp for at least three days. This is because every year, there are a lot of new students and going on a trip with them can always help them meet new friends and know the class much more faster. I remember the year when I first came to PAS, we went to a fantastic place which I enjoyed. Everybody was very happy and I made a lot of new friends just after a few days I went into the school. I believe that it was worth it because it helped me know my classmates and it was super fun. The difference between my camp and the writers camp are that in my camp, everybody was happy and it was meant as a field trip. In the writer's camp, they were forced by the government to leave their house and move into the camp.

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