Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Journal 72: My Tell-Tale Ending

The story "The Tell-Tale Hearts" ends by the narrator confessing the crime and turning himself in to the police. He did this because he thought he heard the old man's heartbeat growing louder and louder as his guiltiness grows larger and larger. Actually what he heard was his own heartbeat that is growing larger and larger as he is getting more nervous and excited. I think this is very good ending because like every other story, the villain gets punished at last. Even though I think it has a good ending, I have my own ending for the story. In my ending, the narrator feels the heartbeat growing louder and louder. Then he asks the police to leave. The police felt that something was wrong because he suddenly changed from welcoming into nervous and in a hurry. The heartbeat grows louder as he gets nervous. He kept telling himself to calm himself down because he's smart and he should know better. At last, the police found out something strange about him. He was moaning about something about the body. The police thought he was crazy and sent him to a madhouse. What the police never knew was that he killed a person.

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