Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Journal 71: Hints and Foreshadowing

When we read a story, we can find  lot of clues given by the author. These clues can help us understand the story and find out the mood of the story. These clues are given by the author usually by foreshadowing and hinting what will happen. These clues are usually in the text, but the author doesn't tell you directly. The author hides them in the text, but they are clear enough so that the reader can figure it out and know it. For example, if the author describes a person walking down the street with the cold wind blowing behind him like it's stabbing him. We can infer that the person walking down the street might be attacked or killed, because the wind was blowing behind him like it was stabbing him. I think foreshadowing and hinting is a good way to tell the reader more about the story because this way, it makes the reader thinks about the story and understand it. In the story, the narrator tells us that he hates the old man's eyes. The heartbeat he hears when he was killing the old man also foreshadows what happened to him in the end. This is why I think foreshadowing and hinting is a good way to use to tell the readers.

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