Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Journal 74: Below the Surface

Have you ever judged a person based on his or her appearance? Although judging people by their appearance can sometimes be right, it is a bad and wrong thing to do. This is because a person should be judged by his characteristics and personality. If a person i very handsome or beautiful, that doesn't mean that is beautiful on the inside. A lot of times, a beautiful young lady may be a wicked-witch on the inside. On the other hand, an ugly or bad looking person may be very nice and gentle. This is why we shouldn't judge people based on their appearance. When I was in elementary school, one of my classmates was not-so good looking and he had a lot of bad habits such as not taking a shower. Although he smells (not kidding here), he is still a very nice guys and he was a good friend of mine. This is why I think we shouldn't judge a person by his or her appearance. We should try to understand, be friends with and think on their point of view. This way, we can know which friends are the best and who we should really be friends with.

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