Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Journal 76: Analogy

Analogies are comparisons between two things to show how they are alike. I think that analogies are very good in conversations because it is a good way to tell the other person what you are meaning and what you are thinking. Although it is a good way, the person you are talking to must be able to understand it. In order to understand it, the person saying it and the person listening to it must understand the thing that is being compared to understand what the speaker is trying to tell. For example, if I want to make a analogy of someone's heart and rock, I could say "His heart is as hard as a rock." For the person who I am speaking to to understand, he has to know the person I am talking to and what he has in common. For example, I may be describing that the person has no feelings, because a rock is hard and if a person's heart is as hard as a rock, it can mean that the person has no feelings. Another example can be if I want to say that a person is very fast, I could say "He is as fast as a leopard." I can do this because everyone know's that a leopard can run very fast. This is why I can use this analogy to describe a person that runs very fast.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Hank,

    First of all, I'd like to congratulate you on catching up on most of your journals! You have been working hard and only have 6 journals (1200 words) left! Okay, maybe that's a lot, but don't give up!
    Okay now back to the journal. I liked the part where you could remember the 'heart like rock' analogy from class. You also did great explaining the analogies.
