Monday, May 14, 2012

Journal 68: My Style

From what I learned today in class, everybody has a style. Style is the way a people shows themselves. Everybody has a style in everything including wearing, walking, talking, writing, communicating, listening, watching or maybe even sleeping. Everybody wears different clothes and types of shirts. For example, a sporty person may be wear sports clothes all the time instead of jeans. A nerdy person may have everything tidied up and clean. People with different style also walks differently. For example, a person with a cool style may walk like a gangster. A nerdy person may walk softly and gently. A person's style can also be revealed through his or her writing. For example, a writing that rhymes in a particular way may tell the reader who the writer is if the reader is familiar with the writers way of writing. I think I have my own style too. I think I wear sports clothes very often and walks normally like normal people. I think my writing style is the same as any other normal student who is at my age. I believe that I have my own style too, it's just that I haven't noticed it yet or I haven't shown them.

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