Thursday, May 10, 2012

Journal 75: Fighting Words

In Raymond's Run, his sister protects her brother by fighting or arguing with people who insults or bullies her brother. I think that this is reasonable and a right thing to do, because it is the sister protecting her brother. If I was the bigger brother or sister, I would do the same thing to protect my siblings. If my siblings are being bullied, I will protect them and never let them get hurt. I believe that words are worth fighting. One time my classmates insulted and bullied my best friend. I felt like defending my best friend so I protected him and told them to stop. At last our teacher found out about it and told our parents. Although I got into a little bit of trouble too, I still felt like it was worth it, because my classmates will never do it again. I feel like we should protect ourselves when we are insulted. This is why I protect myself when I'm being bullied or offended. If the people who are talking about us, I feel that it's okay, but if they are really being mean or doing it all the time, I think that it is right to protect ourselves and defend ourselves.

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